Hello and welcome to the heart of my website!

I'm Snail, a queer autistic creative (they/them) and this is where I will be sharing my work and interests. Although this is currently a work in progress, please feel free to take a look around!

Storytelling is what I believe to be my main and longest living special interest and is a big part of the work I make and am drawn to. I'm a big fan of narratives and formats that break storytelling conventions or subvert expectations! I'm a bit all over the place in terms of my interests so my work has varying themes but some common ones you might spot are queerness, horror (particularly body horror), transformation, grief, mental health and disability. I also work in a range of styles and mediums and love mixing them together to see what happens - I'm all about encouraging self expression and experimentation!

I'd say I'm primarily an illustrator but I also play around with game development, animation and writing. I like to make comics and zines but I'm also currently working on an analog horror/ARG type project.

My work will be over on the hand page and it will be a mix of stuff to showcase my range and reflect my personality - whatever I feel happy sharing here, I suppose. This can include personal work, previous projects and also fanart.

I'm planning on putting a lot of my inspirations, special interests and any essays that they motivate me to write in the head page, as well as any resources relating to any of my interests in case you're intrigued or have any similar ones!

Anyways thanks for checking this out, I really appreciate it!

If you'd like to contact me you can find me on instagram (flyingsnail_art) and tumblr (sk8erfish). My comissions are also open and if you are interested or would like to collaborate on anything please contact me via email at: flyingsnailart@gmail.com